Did you know?
Most business leaders don't write their own thought leadership content. They collaborate with skilled journalists and share their views – these journalists then craft a piece using their opinions and, of course, external research to contextualise the piece and evidence facts.
Navigating executive responsibilities often leaves business leaders with limited time to cultivate a substantial LinkedIn presence. The challenge lies in articulating your story, crafting impactful content, and actively growing your follower base amid busy schedules.
In partnership with an award winning content agency, we bring you a tailored thought leadership service designed to amplify your personal brand and position you as an influential voice in your field. Your dedicated and experienced expert will work with you to optimise your LinkedIn profile and craft compelling thought leadership content for your platform to ensure your insights prompt critical thinking among your audience.
Why LinkedIn?
In the digital age, social media can be noisy, where the loudest often seem to win. But there’s one exception: LinkedIn.
LinkedIn boasts 950 million members across 200 countries, with eight people hired on the platform every minute. It offers a unique space for leaders to showcase their authentic selves in an era dominated by automation.
Thought leadership on LinkedIn is a powerful content strategy that can:
- Increase popularity: Leaders who post weekly content on LinkedIn have 5.6 times more followers.
- Change perceptions: 65% of respondents believe that thought leadership significantly changes their perception of a company or person for the better.
Reach your audience: 58% of buyers read one or more hours of thought leadership on LinkedIn weekly.
Ready to transform your digital presence? Let us pair you with experts to help you brainstorm and share your ideas with the world.